Can Collaborative Divorce actually save me money?
Yes! In Collaborative Practice, the focus is on settlement.
As well as the legal issues, we work to address the emotional and financial aspects relating to your separation. A team of professionals, each having a specific area of expertise, will work effectively and efficiently, towards resolution. Collaborative Divorce does not duplicate effort; it divides the responsibility for different aspects of the divorce between the team members. Involving more than simply lawyers does not translate to an increase in your costs. The work you will do with your Divorce Coaches, in particular, is a valuable investment in the success of your future co-parenting relationship with your former spouse.
The Collaborative Process allows you to retain control. You are not subject to court timelines and schedules. The cost is directly related to how quickly you and your spouse are able to reach a settlement. So, the choice is yours: do you want to invest in conflict, or invest in building a foundation for future peace? It can be very difficult and hard work, but well worth it.
If you would like to learn more, please contact me. – Kirstin